The Mission:
To create a simple to build shoji screen with minimal tools, minimal materials, and most importantly minimal cost. My aim here is to get away with up to a 5 panel homemade shoji screen for under 100 bucks. Sure I can buy something cheaper on ebay for less than 100 bucks but that's getting away from the mission here. The initial materials bought will account for a single panel frame, 1 pair of hinges, and enough thin wood material to have a finished decorative design on one side of the panel. The addition of an identical, or possibly a completely different, design on the other side of the panel will depend on the expense of labor and cost.
Predetermined Toolset:
- screwdrivers
- rotary tool with drill bit(dremmel)
- routing jig connection with routing bits for rotary tool
- small 1/4 in square chisel
- hammer
- dovetail saw(any saw will do but that's what I have)
Finishing Materials:
- brass hinges with screws
- minwax polycrilic satin spray finish
- black paint(or any other color)
- sandpaper/block(2 reusable sponge blocks of 150 and 300 grit should do ya)
Proposed Materials:
- 1/4 inch square dowels for decorative design(my estimate is about 14 linear feet worth)
- 2x2x8 wood barstock(the kind used to help prop up trees, unknown material)
- fabric or synthetic rice paper
Expected "Hardest Part"?:
- routing out a 1/4 inch deep and wide groove the entire length of the vertical framing
- routing out 1/4 inch deep and wide groove for 14 1/2 inches of the top and bottom frame pieces
The purpose for the 1/4 inch groove all the way around the inside of the framing is for the paper/fabric guide and for easier installation of the decorative 1/4 inch cross members.

Stay tuned!
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